About Us
Tutoring Program
Free Resources
First Name
Date of Birth
What is your phone number?
What year are you graduating high school? (If you are in college, what year are you graduating college?)
Last Name
What state and city are you in? If you are not in the US, please put your country and city. (Country, State, City)
Email Address
Confirm Email Address
Confirm Password
What is your current level of education?
High School Freshman
High School Sophomore
High School Junior
High School Senior
College Freshman
College Sophomore
College Junior
College Senior
If you picked other explain your level of education.
What is your school’s full name?
How did you find out about us?
Search Engine
From a friend
If you picked other explain how you found out about us.
What weekdays are you usually available? (Select all that apply)
What time during the day are you usually available? (Select all that apply)
Morning (7:00 AM-12:00 PM)
Afternoon (12:00 PM-5:00 PM)
Evening (5:00 PM-9:00 PM)
Enter your time zone. (EX: EST)
How long do you want to be a tutor for? Are you considering a shorter commitment, like around 1 month, or a longer engagement, such as a full year or more? (Be truthful, answers do NOT influence our decision)
1 – 4 months
4 – 6 months
6 – 9 months
9 – 12 months
1 – 2 years
2 years or more
What subjects do you want to tutor? Be specific. For example: Math – All math up to AP Calc AB Spanish – AP Spanish, ib Spanish Biology – Regular Bio, Hons Bio Physics – Regular Physics, Hons Physics, AP Physics C E/M Art Coding Economics Filmmaking Foreign Language Game Development Geography History Language Arts Singing Music Theory Video Editing (List your top 3 choices [with specific variant, ex: below]) 1. AP Spanish 2. AP Chem 3. AP Bio
Additional Information (If your district follows different names for subjects, please write them here, e.g. Math 2 = Algebra 2, Math 3 = Pre Cal)
Question #1 Although, there are many online learning platforms out there, why did you choose us? (Please write 2-5 sentences to answer the question.)
Question #2 Describe the experiences or influences that have inspired you to pursue this role and what can you bring to our community? (Please write 2-5 sentences to answer the question.)
Question #3 Why do you want to teach? (Answer no more than five sentences)
(OPTIONAL) If known state your current GPA.
(OPTIONAL) If you’re teaching AP, tell us any scores you have recieved.
Are there any tutoring programs in your school?
Do you have previous tutoring experiences?
If you have previous tutoring experiences, how long have you been tutoring? If no, put N/A.
Terms and Conditions: 1. You will be responsible for tutoring the student that booked an appointment with you or was assigned to you. 2. You should not be absent for any sessions or meetings unless approved by a team executive. 3. Your camera will remain open throughout every tutoring session and making sure students can see your whole face. 4. You acknowledge that you will be teaching others from 7th-12th grade subjects. 5. You acknowledge your earning of volunteer hours is dependent on adequate enough tutoring quality, and therefore are not guaranteed should you decide to not fulfill your role. If you consent to all of the above, please type your legal first & last name below.
Are you aware and consenting to these terms?
Yes, I’m aware and I consent.
We might use your face in our promotional materials, website, and related content.
I consent to this (If you are a minor, by checking this option you acknowledge that your parent has also consented to this)
I do not consent to this